Following are the steps required for minor and major subdivisions:
- Pre-application conference with the Zoning Administrator for Minor & Major Subdivisions.
- Applicant submits application, narrative, and fees to Zoning Administrator.
- Applicant submits 25 prints of the preliminary layout as a preliminary plat to Zoning Administrator. Including all items stated in Land Subdivision and Development Ordinance Section 4-20.3 (A) Requirements for RPA lots
- The Zoning Administrator shall notify all adjoining landowners of the proposed minor or major subdivision prior to the first Planning Commission meeting that reviews the preliminary plat.
- The subdivider shall then be advised within 60 days concerning any additional data that may be required, the character and extent of public improvements that will have to be made, and estimate of the cost of construction or improvements and the amount of the performance bond which will be required as a prerequisite to approval of the final subdivision plat.
- The Zoning Administrator prepares analysis for Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors.
- Planning Commission reviews application. Planning Commission shall hold a Public Hearing in accordance with Title 15,2-2204 and 15.2-2285, Code of VA (The Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors may hold a joint Public Hearing). Public Notice being given in accordance with above Code section. Notice shall also include the posting of a sign on subject property.
- Following the Public Hearing, the Planning Commission shall submit its recommendations to the Board of Supervisors. Planning Commission shall state its reasons for its recommendations.
- Planning Commission shall make its recommendation to the Board of Supervisors within 90 days following the first meeting of the Planning Commission after the proposed minor/major subdivision had been referred to the Commission.
- Board of Supervisors shall give notice and hold a Public Hearing on the application. Board of Supervisors may make appropriate changes or corrections in the proposed minor/major subdivision. The Board of Supervisors may approve or disapprove the minor/major subdivision. Time limit for action by the Board of Supervisors is 12 months.
- Upon approval of preliminary plan of minor/major subdivision, applicant submits final minor/major subdivision plan to Zoning Administrator within 6 months.
- Zoning Administrator has 90 days to approve the final site plan. Approval of final site plan expires in 1 year.