The Treasurer is a constitutional officer required by the Constitution of Virginia who is elected by the citizens of King and Queen County. The Treasurer is responsible for collecting taxes and local fees and making payments on behalf of the local government. The Treasurer is also responsible for investing local funds on behalf of the County.

TreasurerStephanie Sears
Chief Deputy TreasurerMali Klausen
Deputy TreasurerTammy Gibbs

Address and Contact Information

King & Queen County Treasurer
242 Allen’s Circle, Suite H
P.O. Box 98
King & Queen C.H., VA 23085
Phone: (804) 785-5978 or (804) 769-5004
Fax: (804) 785-5889
Email: s[email protected]

Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Monday – Friday

Important Dates to Remember

  • Personal Property Tax Due Date: December 5th of each year
  • Real Estate Tax Due Dates: December 5th of each year
  • Vehicle License Fee Due Date: April 30th of each year
  • Business License Fee Due: March 1st of each year
  • Dog Tag Payment Due Date: By January 31st of each year

Helpful Resources

Please visit the following links to learn more about convenient ways to make real estate and personal property tax payments and additional information.